Happy February! As I shared in an earlier post, I have started working with a running coach. I am getting back in shape and gearing up for a June marathon – Grandma’s in Duluth, Minnesota. Now that I am back to training, I will share my training recap every other week. This is my final base building training recap – I’m now transitioning into actual marathon training. I will continue to share my training recaps every other week because I have liked that format. I hope you’ll join in and link up! You can always follow my progress daily on Instagram, where I share all my runs.
Week of January 29
Monday – 5 miles + core work.
Tuesday – I headed to New York for a conference but before I left I ran 3×1 mile repeats at 8:04/8:01/8:12. This was HARD especially because I was headed out of town so felt rushed. But..it got done.
Wednesday – REST DAY is the BEST day! Always!
Thursday – Kicked off February with 4 miles at a sub-9 pace through Central Park. I was lucky enough to be able to run with my Oiselle teammate and friend Daniela. Oh and the hills of Central Park – they were there as well.
Friday – Five and a half easy miles through the park. Super cold but a beautiful setting. Plus core.
Saturday – 10 miles – back home for the weekend!
Sunday – 3 easy miles to end the week.
Weekly mileage total: 34.82
Week of February 5
Monday – Easy 5.2 to kick off Monday. Plus core work.
Tuesday – I was terrified of this workout. Warm up, strides and then two miles at 8:22, followed by 8x400s. So nervous -but as I was warming up I thought that my coach wasn’t setting me up to fail, but rather she believed in me. Also, I thought what is the worst that could happen? Then I just did it. And then got on a plane and flew to Chicago. Work travel has been kicking my ass but I’m just taking it a day at a time.
Wednesday – Glorious rest day!
Thursday – It was FREEZING in Chicago and the streets were slick so I had to take it to the treadmill. Three easy.
Friday – Two mile warm up, then 2×3 at 8:55 plus a cool down. This was hard and then I did the core I didn’t do Thursday.
Saturday – Twelve miles on a warm morning before the rain kicked in.
Sunday – Easy three miles to close the week.
Weekly mileage total: 38.2
Total mileage for this training cycle: 177.78 miles
I am thrilled to not have any work travel for the next few weeks – if you are traveling, let me encourage you. You can do it!
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