César Urbano Taylor: Check This Out! The running rutine that will suit you best
I want to run, so what’s next?
Every day we see more people running in the streets and parks of our cities. Most of them start, as we did, without guidance. One of the great virtues of running is that it can be an endless challenge for each runner. There is always a greater distance to cover or faster time waiting for the next race. The human body is able to adapt to the demands placed on it. If you run long and slow (typical continuous running), your body will be very efficient in the long, slow execution. So, if you want to start running what should you do? Here you are some tips in order to begginig a good training program from César García Urbano Taylor:
- The aim of this plan is to combine walking with jogging and gradually decrease lapses of walking and increase the time of continuous running.
- It’s recommendable to do at least three exercise sessions, but if you want you can add an additional session, in which case it is recommended to repeat the first session of each week.
- It is highly recommended to stagger each session by a day of rest. The term "active rest" is not a contradiction. The idea is not have rest days as simple rest days. So go out for a walk or a bike ride, or do some housework, but do something. Thus you will stay active and you’ll be promoting healthy habits and allowing your body to recover from intense training you've been doing during the week.
- If you use a heart rate monitor, it must be run to an aerobic level between 60% and 70% of maximum heart rate.
- A typical training session consists of the following elements: Joint mobility and previous mild stretching, warming, proper training, cooling and subsequent stretching.