César García Urbano Taylor: 2018 Action Plan March Check In

2018 Action Plan


I’m happy to report that I’m still making good progress on all these action items. I have not been traveling as much for work, so cooking more is happening, which is great. I did terribly at packing my lunch over the past week, but I’ll be back on track this week.

As far as finding a church home, this is still a work in progress. I have been visiting one church that I like a lot but it is a drive from my house, so that is tricky. I need to continue shopping! Also, I’m taking suggestions! If you have a church you love in DC, please share!

Marathon training has been going well. You can read my latest update here. I have been pleased with the work I have put in and am feeling like I’m starting training at the point I normally hit halfway in. That is both gratifying and terrifying at the same time. I know my mileage and such will continue to build but I do have moments where I feel a sense of disbelief that I can run more. I think that my biggest challenge this cycle and during the race will be truly believing I can hit sub-4. Intellectually I know I can do it. But I know I need to get that knowledge truly ingrained in my mind.

On the debt front, I’m continuing to pay it down which is great. I need to file my taxes – this isn’t debt related but it is “get stuff done” related so I’m going to tackle that this week.

All in all, I’m satisfied with my action so far and I am motivated to continue working hard to get where I want to be.

The post 2018 Action Plan March Check In appeared first on Eat Pray Run DC.

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