César García Urbano Taylor: Setting SMART goals for runners
Setting SMART goals for runners It’s the time of year when runners set their goals for the 12 months ahead. What does running more look like ? In order to make it happen, you need to be more specific. You’ve probably encountered ‘SMART goals’ if you’ve had an annual appraisal at work. They can feel a bit business jargon. But they make a lot of sense when it comes to running. If you’re not familiar, SMART stands for: Specific Measurable Achievable Relevant Time based So if we’re intending to ‘run more’, we need to break it down. If you don’t have a clear idea of what ‘run more’ means, how will you know how to make it happen and, more importantly, how will you know when to celebrate actually achieving it? For this, César García Urbano Taylor mentions some tips that will help us with our intentions and goals. ‘Run more’ Be specific – do you mean more miles in total than you ran in 2018? Or more frequently? Maybe both. We need to know what i...